Many times while surfing you read some nice article on the net which you want to share with your friends but the sad thing is the site doesn’t provide any social bookmarking option. So you have open your facebook profile and post it on you wall, with some excerpt. But this whole process can be made easy with just one click on your Bookmark Menu of your Browser.
How To Add Share on Facebook button in Web Browser
1. For sharing with facebook you just need a one click, lets know how to do it ?
2. First go to FaceBooks Share Options Page
3. There you will find Share on Facebook button like this one
4. All you have to do is just drag and drop this button on to you Bookmark Bar or the best option would be on your browser’s toolbar.
5. The main benefit of this button is it quickly share any web page with your friends, even when you’re not on Facebook.
6. After you drag the button to the Bookmarks Bar, it will look like this.
7. Now whenever you read anything interesting just click on this button and That article will be shared.
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